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Custom Events


The API lacks socket-based real-time events. It is recommended to implement your own custom polling system. Pull data at specified intervals, compare with previous values, and emit events on change. Consider using Node.js clusters for efficient parallel processing.

Custom events give you absolute freedom in your creativity. Let's look at a simple example which emits a custom event on clan description change.

import { Client } from 'clashofclans.js';
const client = new PollingClient({ keys: ['***'] });['#8P2QG08P']);{
name: 'clanDescriptionChange',
filter: (oldClan, newClan) => {
return oldClan.description !== newClan.description;

client.on('clanDescriptionChange', (oldClan, newClan) => {
console.log(oldClan.description, newClan.description);

(async function () {

Custom event names can be anything, but it's recommended to use a name that is related to the event. For example, if you want to listen for a clan description change event, you should use clanDescriptionChange. Similarly, playerNameChange for player name change event and warStateChange for war state change event. In other words, you should use either clan, player or war as a prefix of custom event names.

This helps with typing IntelliSense of the Code Editor / IDE.

client.on('clanDescriptionChange', (oldClan, newClan) => {});

if you hover on oldClan and newClan, you will see that they are of type Clan.